
4 "Healthy" Foods That Are Actually Making You Gain Weight

4 "Healthy" Foods That Are Actually Making You Gain Weight

If you’re working on changing your eating habits and just can’t figure out what is going wrong and why you can’t reach success with your weight loss goals, maybe you are making one of these mistakes and eating these commonly misunderstood healthy foods:

  1. Eating gluten free – It seems that everything is showing up gluten free, and it seems like everybody is doing it. And while gluten free is great for people who are celiac, or who genuinely have gluten sensitivity, going gluten free for weight loss, to join the latest trend or just because you think it is healthy is not necessarily the best idea. In order to make products gluten free, manufacturers have to substitute other ingredients in an attempt to make them look, feel and taste like their non gluten-free counterpart.  These substitutions are often sugar, excess fat, extra salt or several starches and preservatives, which while gluten free, in large quantities aren’t good for you.  Before you assume that a gluten free product is better than the gluten filled version, check the ingredients: if it’s filled with a lot of things you don’t recognize, starches and several things ending in “ose,” you may be better off to eat the gluten version or simply skip out altogether!
  2. Too many Nuts – Ahhhh nuts! Nut butter, raw nuts, energy balls and raw desserts made from nuts, cashew cheese and almond meal cookies.  And while nuts are good for you, are a great source of healthy fats and contain a great option for plant-based protein, the bottom line is the same: they have a high fat content, which when consumed in excess can lead to issues.  In other words, have your nuts in small quantities and with portion control in mind, otherwise your go to snack may be what is making you snack more and pack on the pounds anyway.
  3. Dried fruit – It’s quick and easy, makes the perfect snack, tastes delicious and is good on top of yogurt, salads, porridge and mixed into cereal.  But it’s also high in sugar and because of its concentrated form is something that we easily overeat and consume in excess.  For example, you probably wouldn’t think twice about eating a couple of handfuls of raisins – they’re small, you finish them in a few bites and they don’t really make you that full.  But you may not feel the same when you have two handfuls are large size grapes.  Then, it seems like a lot and may not be what you would eat.  The reality is though, that your two handfuls of raisins are the same number, it just seems like way fewer.  The next time you are having dried fruit, be cautious of your portion size and ensure you aren’t over eating!
  4. Fake meats – So you decided to take the plunge and improve your health by going vegan and adopting a plant-based lifestyle.  While it is a great option and a great way to increase your fruit and vegetables and clean up your diet, just because you are vegan, doesn’t mean you are healthy.  Swapping out all your animal products for the non-animal fake versions such as tofurky, soy milk, soy yogurt and fake cheese may help you fill the meat void, but it won’t help your waistline.  Many of these products are high in salt and preservative to try to yield the same flavor and texture that you are used to from the meat, and many have added sugar.  Several milks are often only 2-3% nuts and the rest is fillers, while fake yogurt may not even have the added benefit of healthy bacteria.  Check the labels of these products before you buy them, and when in doubt, rely o fresh vegetables and fruits and get your protein from unprocessed sources like legumes and organic tofu.

By: Laura Peill – (Check out her blog Viand Nutrition & Facebook)  

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