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What you Should and Shouldn’t do With Your Produce

What you Should and Shouldn’t do With Your Produce

We all know that part of successful weight loss is eating lots of fruit and vegetables. But some weeks it seems like they go rotten in the fridge before you have a chance to eat them!

Prevent any unwanted food spoilage by adopting these three weekly habits:

1. You Don’t Have to Buy All Organic

It seems like every other day we hear a new perspective on organic food.  Some people are saying you should always buy organic, and steer clear of any non-organic food items, while others are saying it doesn’t really matter and to not bother with the added expense.  Still others conform to the “dirty dozen” list, saying having certain foods as organic is the most important.  But here’s the thing: ultimately it comes down to what is individually available for you.  If, due to cost barrier, the option is to eat healthy food that isn’t organic, versus not eat healthy food at all, simply making healthy choices should be the top priority.  When it becomes an option to integrate organic food choices, you can re-evaluate.  Do what works for you and don’t get bogged down by what others are doing or get caught up in assuming all organic is the only way.

2. Wash It Right

Washing your produce is of high importance, as you can avoid and eliminate a lot of the toxins and pesticides simply with adequate cleanliness.  In fact, the best and most time-efficient way to do this is very simple: when you come home from the grocery store, fill your sink with warm water and one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and place all your fruit and veggies in the solution for 20 minutes.  Remove and dry on a tea towel before storing in the fridge.

3. Take Care When Storing

Sometimes we don’t give fruit and vegetables the delicate handling they deserve to maximize their integrity and help to maintain their nutritional value.  Avoid simply shoving all of your fruits and vegetables into the crisper in the fridge and closing the door.  Certain fruits, such as avocado, bananas and tomatoes should be left out of the fridge, while greens keep better if removed from the bag and folded up into some paper towel to allow them room to breathe.  Any of your produce that you have brought home in a produce bag can stay in there, providing there is not moisture or water in the bag.  If the item was freshly misted when you purchased it, and the water remains in the bag with the item, it will rot quickly - and smell bad even quicker. Get in the habit of checking all of your produce items when you come home and re-storing as necessary to ensure maximum longevity. 

With a few extra precautions and weekly care routines, you can keep your fruit and vegetables fresh and long lasting. Then they can be ready and waiting for your healthy eating needs as you follow along your weight loss journey.

By: Laura Peill, RHN, BScH –  Viand Nutrition

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