Before and After
Michelle Rose: Before And After 14 Day Skinny Teatox
"I did the 14 day skinny teatox and the energy I got from it, still blows my mind. I never felt bloated once- what a great feeling. Love your product."
By: Michelle Rose (Facebook)
Vivian Liu After 14 Day Teatox
"This was my before and after with the 14-Day teatox! Happy with my results even though they're not as drastic as others! The cleanse was so satisfying and motivated me to not put junk into my body! The teas are delicious and were always a great start to my day!"
By: Vivian Liu
Angela Brander Before & After Pics
"Skinny Teatox worked so well for me and it was definitely worth the $. The tea suppressed my appetite (which left me amazed because The Lord knows how much I love to eat). As it suppressed my appetite, the tea also reduced bloating in my stomach and made for a tasty drink that I looked forward to every evening."
By: Angela Brander (Twitter)
Before & After: Andrea Jade
"I love how the tea changed my body soo much! Ive totally toned up everywhere in my body over the past 2 months using the product!"
By: Andrea Jade
Kimberly Garrick Lost 15 Lbs
"Skinny Teatox helped me loose that freshman 15 and so much more. It's given me the energy to get through a long day and work, I eat less because not as hungry and I LOVE not feeling bloated after I eat. I started to recommend this to anyone who needed that push to get their weight loss journey started!"
By: Kimberly Garrick (Twitter)
Tanya Leblanc Before & After
"I love skinny teatox! It's given me so much energy and let me love my body again and not feel ashamed of my own skin! Best tea around !!!"
By: Tanya Leblanc (Instagram)
Teenareyy Before & After Skinny Teatox
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Dakota Tenbrinke Loves Skinny Teatox
I love tiny tea because it makes you less bloated, clears your skin! And it makes you have so much energy! It's my new obsession!!
By: Dakota Tenbrinke
Kaelay Prather Before & After S.T.T.
"I love skinny teatox so much! It makes me feel so good about myself and like a whole new person! I recommend it to everyone! It helps me focus on being healthy and keeping off my weight!"
By: Kaely Prather
Before & After Submitted by Alexa Daley
"I'm on the tenth day of my 14 day tea tox and I feel less bloated, and have higher energy levels! I love the taste of the day time tea :)" By: Alexa Daley